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Providence Cemetery Association of Franklin County, Texas, Inc.

- The Grave List below is alphabetically listed to allow easy access by name.
Column 1 Name
Column 2 Date Born
Column 3 Date Died
Column 4 Row
Column 5 Plot

Note: Those wishing to purchase a plot should call 903-588-2561 to select a plot before payment is made using PayPal on the “Purchase or Donate with PayPal” page. A plat of the cemetery is available to assist selection of a plot.
Adams, Grover C.3-Oct, 1893 4-Apr, 1966 Row 5 Plot 25
Adams, May Vesta 22-Mar, 189318-Nov, 1965 Row 5 Plot 26
Adams, Pamela Gaye 7-Jan, 195810-Jul, 1992 Row 35 Plot 32
Allen, Mrs. M. C.14-Mar, 1849 31-Aug, 1921Row 19 Plot 46
Allen, River Nile 8-Feb, 1881 1-Jan, 1917 Row 14 Plot 40
Allen, Sarah A.28-Oct, 1846 26 Aug, 1913 Row 19 Plot 45
Anderson, Baby Boy 10-Sep, 191423-Oct, 1914 Row 11.5 Plot 34
Anderson, Billie Joe 1-Feb, 1926 17-Aug, 1927Row 11.5 Plot 35
Anderson, Billy 7-Dec, 188517-Sep, 1908 Row 23 Plot 11
Anderson, Clyde 25-Jul, 1894 17-Feb, 1951 Row 3 Plot 42
Anderson, Esther15-May, 1896 27-Mar, 1963 Row 3 Plot 43
Anderson, Ina Mae28-Oct, 1904 4-Nov, 1985 Row 45 Plot 23
Anderson, J. C. 19-Aug, 19103-May, 1983 Row 45 Plot 22
Anderson, J. W. 15-Nov, 1853 1-Oct, 1911 Row 23 Plot 12
Anderson, John H.5-Jun, 1883 16-Dec, 1968 Row 1 Plot 19
Anderson, Kate Moore 19-Feb, 1893 20-Jun, 1991 Row 1 Plot 20
Anderson, Laura18-Nov, 1858 17-Dec, 1927 Row 22 Plot 44
Anderson, Lendon Eugene 17-Jan, 1918 1-May, 1977 Row 45 Plot 27
Anderson, Louis Nathaniel14-Oct, 187614-Sep, 1971 Row 45 Plot 28
Anderson, M. Ola18-Aug, 1888 20-Nov, 1989 Row 45Plot 29
Anderson, Myron 8-Apr, 1912 31-May, 1994 Row 45 Plot 26
Anderson, Nathaniel 12-Oct, 1812 27-Feb, 1907 Row 23 Plot 8
Anderson, Pearl 1-Jan, 1890 14-Jul, 1891Row 23 Plot 10
Anderson, Sarah22-Apr, 1816 1-Jul, 1875 Row 23 Plot 9
Anderson, William21-Dec, 183221-Dec, 1903 Row 34 Plot 40
Armstrong, Emma 1877 Row 33 Plot 27
Armstrong, John 1872 1936 Row 33 Plot 28
Atkinson, Naomi Alice 19-Jun, 1877 16-Feb, 1942 Row 26 Plot 58
Averitt, Joseph Henry 6-May, 1930 9-May, 2008Row 4 Plot 15
Avery, Burton 1884 1970 Row 13 Plot 3
Avery, Nancy Frances 18881962 Row 13 Plot 4
Bailey, Katie Lou 9-Oct, 1911 20-Aug, 1983 Row 14 Plot 68
Baker, Lillie 7-Aug, 1882 6-Apr, 1921 Row 6 Plot 25
Barnett, Alpha B.19-Nov, 1911 10-Sep, 1928 Row 21 Plot 67
Barnett, Billy Clide Reynolds 26-Mar, 1883 2-Jun, 1901 Row 18 Plot 21
Barnett, Henry Farion 8-Oct, 1910 28-Jan, 1976 Row 21 Plot 73
Barnett, Mary 11-Mar, 1856 10-Jan, 1900 Row 18 Plot 23
Barnett, Stella Temple 15-Nov, 1892 19-Jan, 1966 Row 21Plot 72
Barnett, Tillman Bud Payne 30-Apr, 1863 10- Apr, 1943 Row 18 Plot 20
Barnett, Verbon T. 25-Oct, 191724-Nov, 1944 Row 21 Plot66
Barnett, Wilbur11-Nov, 1928 22-Jan, 2005 Row 22 Plot 1
Barrett, Alitha A. 2-Jul, 1864 3-Nov, 1899 Row 22Plot 56
Barrett, Austin 26-Mar, 1884 10-Aug, 1889 Row 11.5 Plot 14
Barrett, Eddie 6-Oct, 1885 10-Dec, 1886 Row 22 Plot 53
Barrett, Elizabeth 3-Mar, 1828 6-Aug, 1910 Row 23 Plot 5
Barrett, Exa 29-Apr, 1878 7-Oct, 1959 Row 3.5 Plot 49
Barrett, Gene 19-May, 1874 8-Sep, 1972 Row 3.5 Plot 48
Barrett, H. C. 9-Sep, 1859 6-Aug, 1874 Row 23 Plot 3
Barrett, Howard 25-May, 1882 18-Jan, 1897 Row 11.5 Plot13
Barrett, Howard, Austin & Daisy 19-Mar, 1900 13-May, 1904 Row 11.5 Plot 16
Barrett, James T. 30-Mar, 1855 1-Mar, 1941 Row 22 Plot 55
Barrett, Nannie 17-Nov, 1870 9-Apr, 1931 Row 13 Plot 38
Barrett, Nannie J. 2-Sep, 184717-Dec, 1914 Row 11 Plot 46
Barrett, Odis 1-Apr, 1902 25-Dec, 1902 Row 11 Plot 43
Barrett, P. A.4-Nov, 1859 19-Jan, 1886 Row 22 Plot 52
Barrett, Pearl3-Jan, 1879 16-Feb, 1879 Row 11.5 Plot 15
Barrett, Tom 15-Nov, 1851 13-May, 1919 Row 13 Plot 39
Barrett, Weldon1-Mar, 1908 26-May, 1944 Row 3.5 Plot 47
Barrett, William S.15-Apr, 1847 2-May, 1908 Row 11 Plot 45
Barron, Bennie Max 5-Sep, 1953 5-Sep, 1953 Row 4 Plot 36
Barron, Bessie Irene 14-Mar, 188913-Jan, 1961 Row 4 Plot 38
Barron, Catherine C.Jun, 1843 16-Apr, 1921 Row 12 Plot 43
Barron, Charles L. 31-Jul, 1903 1-May, 1929 Row 12 Plot 40
Barron, Leonidas W.Jun, 18481920 Row 12 Plot 42
Barron, Malcomb L. 8-Mar, 1880 30-Jul, 1961 Row 4 Plot 37
Barron, Maurice Leonard16-Sep, 1912 14-Oct, 1986 Row 12 Plot 44
Barron, Myrtle M. 8-Jun, 1904 22-Nov, 1953 Row 12 Plot 39
Barron, Willie Naomi 5-Dec, 1915 27-Nov, 2004 Row 12 Plot 45
Beall, Augusta 18-Apr, 1848 24-May, 1924 Row 21 Plot 16
Beall, Charles N. 28-Dec, 185426-May, 1884 Row 24 Plot 39
Beall, D. H. 1803 1885 Row 24 Plot 41
Beall, Eunice Davis 5-Dec, 1880 27-May 1956Row 5 Plot 29
Beall, F. D. 1854 1900 Row 8 Plot 64
Beall, J. C.1851 1918 Row 8 Plot 63
Beall, Jack 18501930 Row 21 Plot 15
Beall, James Madison 14-Nov, 188012-Jun, 1951 Row 5 Plot 28
Beall, Lydia Park 1852 30-Aug, 1925Row 10 Plot ??
Beall, Myrtle M.A961896 1916 Row 8 Plot 62
Beall, Nancy Jane Goolsby18141901 Row 24 Plot 42
Beall, Nannie C. 23-Nov, 1852 3-Jun, 1911 Row 10 Plot 22
Beall, R. J. 6-May, 1853 23-Dec, 1944 Row 9 Plot 9
Beall, Stella25-Dec, 1877 17-Oct, 1878Row 24Plot 38
Beall, William Cary 5-May, 1914 21-Dec, 1959 Row 37Plot 39
Beck, Ernest17-Aug, 1887 2-Apr, 1889 Row 21 Plot 4
Beck, Julia 1903 28-May, 1908 Row 21 Plot 5
Beck, Leona25-Nov, 1895 4-Sep, 1898 Row 21 Plot 3
Beck, M. M.25-Jan, 1842 19-Sep, 1899 Row 20 Plot 3
Bedgood, Burl 26-Jun, 1918 26-Jun, 1918 Row 7 Plot 55
Bedgood, Dessie Lee14-Nov, 1902 28-Jun, 1904 Row 7Plot 54
Bedgood, Earl26-Jun, 1918 29-Jun, 1918Row 7 Plot 55
Bedgood, Jeffie 15-Sep, 1859 4-Sep, 1925 Row 7Plot 52
Bedgood, Martha S. 19-May, 1871 5-Jun, 1950 Row 7 Plot 51
Bedgood, Matilda 1825 1911 Row 7 Plot 23
Bedgood, Matilda1825 1911 Row 7 Plot 53
Bedgood, Pearl26-Jun, 191826-Jun, 1918Row 7 Plot 55
Belcher, Merniece L. Bolin 10-Mar, 1912 6-Aug, 1939 Row 26 Plot 66
Bell, Deward S.4-Oct, 1872 4-May, 1952 Row 11Plot 24
Bell, Lucy D. 8-Jan, 1876 25-Jun, 1930 Row 11 Plot 23
Bell, R. E. 13-Aug, 1907 13-Mar, 1948 Row 10 Plot 16
Bennett, Annie L. 1-Nov, 1853 16-Aug, 1929 Row 11 Plot 22
Bennett, Bertie 25-Aug, 1892 – – – – – – – – -Row 13.5 Plot 16
Bennett, Edgar D. 18951918 Row 11 Plot 21
Bennett, Elijah 22-Nov, 1811 29-Jul, 1885 Row 19 Plot 38
Bennett, Emer Day 9-Aug, 1871 unknownRow 13.5 Plot 13
Bennett, Emma Beatrice19-Apr, 1893 5-Feb- 1971 Row 4 Plot 44
Bennett, Farley Webster 14-Mar, 1887 2-Nov, 1942 Row 4 Plot 45
Bennett, Jesey3-Jan, 188521-Aug, 1885 Row 13.5 Plot 14
Bennett, Joel 3-Dec, 1845 13-Nov, 1926 Row 13.5 Plot 12
Bennett, Louis 6-Jul,1882 16-Apr, 1950Row 12 Plot 12
Bennett, Matilda 10-Sep, 1885 16-Jun, 1964 Row 12 Plot 13
Bennett, Myrtie 2-Jul, 1886 19-Oct, 1905 Row 13 Plot 10
Bennett, Ryan 3-Apr, 1880 3-Nov, 1909 Row 12 Plot 15
Bennett, W. L. 3-Feb, 188813-Apr, 1889 Row 13.5 Plot 15
Berry, Drusila E. 1871 1953 Row 17 Plot 51
Berry, George R. 1862 1927 Row 17 Plot 50
Berry, George Rufus 16-Oct, 1903 8-Oct, 1904 Row 18 Plot 17
Bettis, A. D.25-Dec, 1919 18-Oct, 1985 Row 6 Plot 9
Bexley, Adalee1873 1918 Row 17 Plot 8
Bexley, J. D. 1894 1895 Row 17 Plot 7
Bexley, Ophelia 18961897 Row 17 Plot 6
Bexley, W. N. 1870 1945 Row 17 Plot 9
Blackmon, Elizabeth 18311915 Row 6.5 Plot 51
Backmon, Emma1872 1943 Row 6.5 Plot 53
Blackmon, Henry1869 1924 Row 6.5 Plot 52
Blackmon, J. W.10-Jun, 1912 8-Jan, 1947 Row 6.5 Plot 50
Blackmon, Nila24-Feb, 192028-Jun, 2008 Row 6 Plot 63
Blackmon, Sikes 14-Feb, 1907 7-Nov, 1960 Row 6Plot 62
Blake, Boliver (Bob)8-May, 193527-May, 2004 Row 44 Plot 19
Blake, James Oliver 6-May, 2002 5-Apr, 2002 Row 43 Plot 17
Blanchett, Brenda Gail5-Oct, 1950 12-Jul, 1994Row 3.5 Plot 18
Blanchett, Ida Pearl 2-Apr, 188031-Jan, 1945 Row 9 Plot 23
Blanchett, Jim26-Mar, 1876 20-Jun, 1971 Row 9 Plot 22
Blanchett, Lester D. 13-May, 1915 2-Feb, 1929 Row 10 Plot 39
Blanchett, R. V.13-Nov, 1903 22-Dec, 1949 Row 8 Plot 39
Bolin, A. J. 13-Jan, 1838 24-Dec, 1880 Row 29 Plot 31
Bolin, Alice7-Nov, 188014-Feb, 1942 Row 30 Plot 53
Bolin, Beulah Holder 1866 1894 Row 29 Plot 37
Bolin, Clarence L. 17-Dec, 1877 14-Dec, 1927 Row 27 Plot 47
Bolin, Clavis L. 26-Aug, 190226-Aug, 1902 Row 27 Plot 49
Bolin, Cora Lee 25-Oct, 1894 3-Jul, 1933 Row 29 Plot 48
Bolin, George W. 17-Apr, 187014-Jul, 1955 Row 29Plot 49
Bolin, Jennie Frances Case Sep, 187421-Sep, 1918 Row 29 Plot 46
Bolin, Jess L.25-Nov, 1891 6-Mar, 1983 Row 9 Plot 2
Bolin, John W. 20-Aug, 186011-Apr, 1938 Row 29 Plot 36
Bolin, Lela Holder Dec, 1874 Jun, 1906 Row 29 Plot 45
Bolin, Odell 16-Apr, 1909 11-Feb, 1936 Row 29 Plot 47
Bolin, Ola 4-Sep, 189419-Jan, 1967 Row 9 Plot 3
Bolin, Ora E.4-Feb, 1881 27-Apr, 1943 Row 27 Plot 50
Bolin, Rubie Cleon 24-Feb, 1889 31-Mar, 1956 Row 6 Plot 20
Bolin, S. V. 20-Jun, 1845 11-Apr, 1892 Row 29Plot 32
Bolin, Velvin 13-May, 1920 5-Jun, 2009 Row 10 Plot 6
Bolin, Will Valentine 14-Feb, 1885 19-Apr, 1955 Row 6 Plot 19
Booth, Clara Rose 1-Aug, 1990 1-Aug, 1990 Row 35 Plot 31
Boyd, Anna Jane 6-Oct, 18756-Dec, 1946 Row 5 Plot 59
Boyd, Frank M. 10-Sep, 187115-Mar, 1939 Row 5 Plot 58
Bradley, David Henry 31-Mar, 191123-Mar, 1994 Row 5 Plot 54
Bradley, Fred 18-Nov, 1902 14-Jan, 1978 Row 7 Plot 6
Bradley, James Leander 27-Oct, 190421-Feb, 1988 Row 6 Plot 58
Bradley, Joel Hardy 3-Jan, 1913 20-May, 1991 Row 7 Plot 5
Bradley, Lois Ivey 26-Oct, 1904 23-Mar, 1959 Row 6 Plot 59
Bradley, Nancy Lou 28-Apr, 1885 17-Jan, 1971 Row 5 Plot 53
Bradley, Raymond L. 9-Aug, 1868 22-Sep, 1940Row 5 Plot 52
Branan, James M. 1888 1941 Row 8 Plot 19
Branan, James M. 19-Oct, 19388-Nov, 1938 Row 9 Plot 5
Branan, Pollie Ann 19001982 Row 8 Plot 20
Brannan, Joe Dan 1-Sep, 1886 9-Mar, 1895 Row 21 Plot 55
Brewer, Lucy 1848 1930Row 14 Plot 70
Brewer, P. Pierce 1885 1971 Row 14 Plot 69
Bridges, Deramae3-May, 1908 13-Nov, 1909 Row 14 Plot 49
Bridges, Infant 26-Aug, 1910 26-Aug, 1910 Row 14 Plot 50
Broadstreet, Martha J. 13-Aug, 1868 9-Jan, 1887 Row 25 Plot 39
Broom, Linda Gaye19-Dec, 194023-Apr, 2003 Row 37 Plot 49
Brown, Jeanie (infant) 28-Jul, 1954 28-Jul, 1954 Row 4 Plot8
Browning, James Franklin 8-Jun, 1892 19-Mar, 1973 Row 17 Plot59
Browning, John W.———- 9-Jan, 1916 Row 17 Plot 57
Browning, Maggie20-Jan, 1858 26-Feb, 1943 Row 17 Plot 58
Browning, Will Murtiss15-Aug, 18967-May, 1983 Row 18 Plot 45
Bryan, Lee 1876 1961 Row 6 Plot 21
Bryan, Nannie 4-Aug, 1871 8-Jan, 1945 Row 6 Plot 22
Bryant, Frank W.14-Jan, 1906 7-Jan, 1950 Row 3.5 Plot 35
Bryant, Hayden 30-Sep, 1889 18-Dec, 1932 Row 8 Plot 34
Bryant, Viola22-Mar, 1889 9-Jun, 1935 Row 8 Plot 35
Bryant, Viola Middleton 18731901 Row 24 Plot 48
Bryant, Willie K.16-Sep, 190925-Aug, 1994 Row 3.5 Plot 36
Burgin, Jessie 25-Feb, 18621884Row 25 Plot 26
Burgin, Jessie Lee 29-Jul, 1888 1894 Row 25 Plot 25
Burgin, John H. 18-Feb, 1860 22-Mar, 1947 Row 25Plot 24
Burgin, Maryan Norton 1838 1874 Row 25 Plot 28
Burgin, William 18281873 Row 25 Plot 27
Burkhart, Exie Ruth 23-May, 1896 13-Mar, 1998 Row 3 Plot 2
Burkhart, Joseph Benjamin 25-Feb, 1891 19-Mar, 1987 Row 3 Plot 3
Burris, Henry O. 23-Oct, 1847 3-Feb, 1904 Row 19 Plot 47
Burton, Anna I. 29-Oct, 1900 7-Sep, 2000 Row 1 Plot 52
Burton, Annie 16-Oct, 1890 6-Dec, 1973 Row 2 Plot 51
Burton, Early M. 12-Dec, 1894 8-Jul, 1957 Row 1 Plot 51
Burton, Homer Leroy 20-Feb, 1899 30-Sep, 1971 Row 2 Plot 50
Burton, LeRoy Samuel 2-Jul, 1926 14-May, 1947 Row 2 Plot 52
Burton, Marna 3-Mar, 1926 16-Nov, 1997 Row 6 Plot 3
Burton, R. W. 18-Aug, 1923 10-Mar, 2007 Row 6 Plot 2
Bussey, Jewel 11-Aug, 1901 12-Aug, 1901Row 15 Plot 15
Butler, Elver Lee Roy 29-Jul, 1929 12-Jun, 2001 Row 5 Plot 1
Butner, Mamie C. 30-Mar, 1915 6-Apr, 2007 Row 45 Plot 13
Butner, Warren Franklin 22-Aug, 1917 1-May, 1987 Row 45 Plot 12
Byars, Alene 14-Oct, 1918 7-Oct, 1919 Row 23 Plot 34
Byars, John W.13-Sep, 1890 5-Jan, 1959 Row 23Plot 35
Byars, Rosa Etter 1-Apr, 1896 4-Jun, 1987 Row 23 Plot 36
Bynum, Warren Hendrix9-Sep, 192220-Aug, 1986 Row 38 Plot 23
Cain, L. R.18-Oct, 1879 18-Feb, 1884 Row 33.5 Plot 27
Cain, T. W. 20-Feb, 1867 6-Feb, 1884Row 33.5 Plot 28
Callaway, German E. 3-Mar, 1894 19-Dec, 1962 Row 14 Plot 4
Callaway, Katie I. V. 1904 1962Row 14 Plot 5
Callicoatte, Lucy M. 8-Nov, 1881 9-Apr, 1937 Row 11 Plot 18
Calloway, Alice 31-Oct, 1860 23-Jan, 1942 Row 5 Plot 32
Campbell, Daniel Hose 18781947 Row 3.5 Plot 31
Campbell, James Gaylord 6-May, 191314-Dec, 1992 Row 45 Plot 35
Campbell, John B.22-Oct, 1852 2-Mar, 1886 Row 21 Plot 50
Campbell, John Copeland 17-Apr, 1904 25-Nov, 1981 Row 3.5 Plot 33
Campbell, Mittie 9-Dec, 1879 13-Sep, 1949 Row 3.5 Plot 30
Campbell, Mollie1882 1959 Row 3.5 Plot 32
Campbell, Myrtle Ruth 21-Aug, 19192-Mar, 2009 Row 1Plot 18
Campbell, Raymond R. P., Jr.2-Sep, 1928 8-Jun, 2008 Row 1 Plot 17
Cannaday, Curtis P.17-May, 1861 7-Oct, 1927 Row 31 Plot 36
Cannaday, E. L. 18961949 Row 31 Plot 38
Cannaday, Grace 19-Jul, 1906 21-May, 1908 Row 33.5 Plot 22
Cannaday, Louise Dolly Hough 10-Nov, 1866 29-Jul, 1948 Row 31 Plot 37
Cargile, Russell A. 18931894 Row 20 Plot 4
Carpenter,Georgianna 3-Jan, 1922 22-Feb, 2005 Row 2.5 Plot 4
Carpenter, Henry O. 30-May, 1921 14-May, 2002 Row 2.5 Plot 3
Carpenter, Minnie Mae 19-Nov, 1896 30-Dec, 1995 Row 12 Plot 52
Carr, Elizabeth Ada1877 7-Jun, 1917 Row 19 Plot 59
Carr, Foy C. 16-Jun, 1906 23-Jul, 1981 Row 36 Plot 23
Carr, Oney Elizabeth 29-Jul, 1908 24-Mar, 1961 Row 36 Plot 24
Carr, Rachel 23-Sep, 1912 7-Nov, 1998 Row 37 Plot 36
Carr, Roy E.1-Nov, 1936 9-Feb, 2008 Row 36 Plot 25
Carr, Susanah E. 4-Oct, 1876 23-May, 1943 Row 36 Plot 27
Carr, Try C. 16-Aug, 1877 17-Mar, 1912 Row 19 Plot 60
Carr, William A. 6-Apr, 1866 13-May, 1943 Row 36Plot 28
Carr, William Franklin 29-Sep, 1910 6-Nov, 1982Row 37 Plot 35
Carson, C. C. 19081908 Row 11 Plot 59
Carson, Chilton C. 21-Dec, 1919 29-Jun, 1921 Row 11 Plot 58
Carson, Isaac26-Sep, 1905 15-Oct, 1907 Row 11 Plot 61
Carson, John 1902 22-Nov, 1917 Row 11Plot 60
Carson, Lurline 9-Apr, 1903 24-Jan, 1911Row 31 Plot 46
Carson, Mamie 20-Jun, 1876 24-Aug, 1907 Row 31 Plot 47
Carson, Minnie L. 1882 1964 Row 10 Plot 52
Carson, Xystus 22-Jul, 1880 23-Jun, 1957 Row 10Plot 51
Carter, Betty Sue Kirbo 22-Jul, 1937 2-Aug, 1998 Row 19 Plot 68
Carter, Jewell Frances 18-Jul, 1921 7-Oct, 1991 Row 5 Plot 51
Carter, Lester Doyle25-Sep, 1922 7-Oct, 1991 Row 4 Plot 54
Carter, William F. 22-Feb, 192319-Jul, 1998 Row 19 Plot 67
Case, J. E. 24-Aug, 1897 22-Nov, 1965 Row 5 Plot 56
Case, James Raymond 30-Sep, 1946 26-Aug, 2009 Row 6 Plot 60
Cates, Laura Jane 20-Jul, 1868 29-Mar, 1955 Row 34 Plot 19
Cates, Bernice Amanda 14-Jan, 1902 1-Apr, 1976 Row 1 Plot 22
Cates, Bobby G.23-Mar, 1930 12-Jul, 1974 Row 1 Plot 15
Cates, D. B. 26-Dec, 1917 15-Oct, 1979 Row 1 Plot 40
Cates, Dixie Etta 8-Mar, 1884 14-Nov, 1968 Row 2 Plot 39
Cates, Ernest Elijah12-Oct, 1883 16-Sep, 1964 Row 11 Plot 32
Cates, Florine 7-Feb, 1916 12-Jan, 1990 Row 1 Plot 41
Cates, Floyd8-Dec, 1879 12-Jan, 1967 Row 2 Plot 40
Cates, John Lewis23-Dec, 1893 3-Jan, 1968 Row 1 Plot 21
Cates, L. B.4-Mar, 190317-Jun, 1957 Row 2 Plot 41
Cates, Lucy Matildy 12-Jan, 1856 18-Jan, 1922 Row 11 Plot 31
Cates, Nancy Sawyer 18361892 Row 11 Plot 26
Cates, Peter R. 15-Oct, 1904 29-Nov, 1967 Row 34 Plot 20
Cates, R. E. 10-Jun, 1925 1-Oct, 1969 Row 1 Plot 39
Cates, Turner W.19-Sep, 1860 18-Nov, 1940 Row 1 Plot 37
Cates, W. R. 11-Jun, 1862 10-Jan, 1926 Row 11 Plot 30
Cates, William J. 1870 24-Jan, 1909 Row 34 Plot 18
Cates, Willie Ann Bennett 19-Jun, 1850 18-Oct, 1934 Row 1 Plot 38
Cates, Wylie R. 11-Jun, 1862 10-Jan, 1926 Row 11 Plot 25
Cates, Zeane H. 10-Sep, 1902 13-Mar, 1996 Row 34 Plot 21
Caudel, James Wesley 18-Feb, 1860 27-Sep, 1868 Row 27 Plot 22
Caudle, C. W. (Cader Wilson) 7-Jun, 1870 13-Nov, 1899 Row 29 Plot 16
Caudle, Elizabeth J. 14-Feb, 1830 2-Mar, 1901 Row 30 Plot 37
Caudle, Jeff 26-Mar, 1861 9-Dec, 1941 Row 31 Plot 40
Caudle, Joseph J. 15-Mar, 1861 30-Jul, 1867Row 27 Plot 20
Caudle, Katie B. 5-Nov, 190230-May, 1987 Row 6 Plot 26
Caudle, Mark 1805 1865 Row 30Plot 36
Caudle, Mark Egriphy 19-Jan, 1857 2-Jun, 1863Row 27 Plot 19
Caudle, Martha 1875 1952 Row 31Plot 39
Caudle, Martin Loid 19-Dec, 1858 22-Mar, 1868 Row 27 Plot 21
Caudle, Sarah11-Apr, 1836 10-Oct, 1889 Row 29 Plot 15
Caudle, W. H.17-Feb, 1830 29-Mar, 1895 Row 30Plot 38
Caudle, W. J. 1837 6-Jan, 1888 Row 29 Plot 17
Caviness, Birdie Ella 24-Feb, 1909 25-Nov, 2001 Row 7Plot 64
Chambers, Iva Grizzie1897 1966 Row 4 Plot 35
Chitsey, Vera Lee 6-Oct, 1916 11-Jul, 1977 Row 6 Plot 53
Clanton, Ollie C. 1-Apr, 1901 1-Sep, 1961 Row 37 Plot 59
Clinton, Ada 25-Sep, 1868 7-Sep, 1899 Row 32 Plot 31
Clinton, Arlond J.May, 1897 7-Jun, 1918 Row 32 Plot 29
Clinton, Isaac 2-Sep, 1899 8-Oct, 1899 Row 32 Plot 32
Clinton, John L.28-Dec, 1860 3-Feb, 1932 Row 32 Plot 30
Cockrell, Gladys B. 5-Sep, 1922 22-Jul, 1957 Row 5 Plot 55
Coe, Emma Eulala 16-Mar, 1869 15-Sep, 1902 Row 21 Plot 49
Coe, Giles C.Apr, 1891 29-Mar, 1925 Row 26 Plot 64
Coe, James Thomas22-May, 1878 10-Jan, 1920 Row 26 Plot 51
Coe, John P.29-Sep, 1840 13-Apr, 1911 Row 26 Plot 47
Coe, Martha K.4-Mar, 1849 10-Oct, 1935 Row 26 Plot 48
Coe, William David 9-Oct, 1898 1899 Row 21 Plot 48
Coe, Willie Myrtle 27-Dec, 1880 12-Sep, 1967 Row 26 Plot 52
Condrey, Darrell Wayne 1942 1996 Row 44 Plot 8
Condrey, Jimmy Charles 9-Jul, 195211-Jul, 1952 Row 2 Plot 28
Condrey, Eliza J. 25-Sep, 1851 9-Feb, 1941 Row 37 Plot 24
Condrey, Eschol Carl 2-May, 1929 2-May, 1929 Row 37Plot 28
Condrey, Eschol Griffith 5-Mar, 1898 22-Mar, 1973 Row 2 Plot 29
Condrey, George Washington 4-Nov, 1848 9-Dec, 1931 Row 37 Plot 25
Condrey, Imogene 1915 1998 Row 1 Plot 29
Condrey, James H. 10-Feb, 1918 25-Oct, 1959 Row 1 Plot 28
Condrey, Joe Zane 27-Jan, 1930 1991 Row 44 Plot 10
Condrey, John William 4-Nov, 1871 26-Oct, 1954Row 37 Plot 30
Condrey, Lottie Mae17-Mar, 1907 20-Oct, 1987 Row 44Plot 12
Condrey, Mary Jane2-May, 1871 2-Mar, 1944Row 37 Plot 31
Condrey, Maudie Mae27-Oct, 1899 14-Jun, 1952 Row 2 Plot 30
Condrey, Victor P. 3-Oct, 1900 30-Aug, 1902 Row 37 Plot 32
Condrey, Willie Joe 6-May, 1908 1979 Row 44 Plot 11
Cook, Harlan Dale 26-Jun, 1937 30-Mar, 2013 Row 1 Plot 4
Cook, Sandra 2-Jun, 1937 24-Jun, 2005 Row 1 Plot 5
Cooper, Edd Fay 19-Mar, 1905 20-Jan, 1952 Row 21 Plot 68
Cooper, George Martin——– 14-Jul, 1920 Row 21Plot 70
Cooper, John C. 2-Apr, 1895 23-Oct, 1967 Row 2 Plot 47
Cooper, Liza Jane——— ——— Row 21 Plot 69
Cooper, Liza Jane 10-Oct, 1873 19-Feb, 1930Row 21 Plot 71
Cooper, M. A. ——— 6-Jul, 1871Row 21.5 Plot 17
Cooper, Sadie A.6-Nov, 1900 9-Jul, 1987 Row 2Plot 48
Countryman, Lena Fay 3-Jul, 1917 19-Nov, 2001 Row 3 Plot 5
Countryman, Wilbern Pierce 4-Jan, 191231-Jan, 2000 Row 3 Plot 4
Cox, Anna Hart 18561945 Row 24 Plot 58
Cox, Fred Posey 1852 1935 Row 24 Plot 57
Cox, Fred Thomas 1-Aug, 1883 2-Oct, 1901 Row 24 Plot 55
Cox, John Franklin22-Nov, 1875 16-Jan, 1903 Row 24 Plot 56
Cox, Ray Crutcher 25-Feb, 189922-May, 1899 Row 24 Plot 54
Crabbe, Sudie Oneita 1901 1902 Row 21 Plot 53
Crane, Danny Boy 17-Sep, 1946 15-Jan, 1947 Row 37 Plot 46
Crane, Carl H. 2-May, 190924-May, 1990 Row 37 Plot 47
Crane, Jo Marvis 11-Jun, 1918 13-Nov, 1995 Row 37 Plot 48
Crane, Julia May 23-May, 194124-May, 1941 Row 3.5 Plot 46
Crane, Lora 19-Jan, 1878 17-Feb, 1932 Row 16 Plot 44
Crawley, George Washington 16-Jan, 1920 23-Jan, 2006 Row 8 Plot 25
Crawley, Helen A. 14-Jun, 1931 12-Oct, 2012 Row 8 Plot 26
Creswell, Mary Janell 21-Jul, 1943 11-Sep, 1943 Row 3.5 Plot 34
Crittenden, Nadine 22-Feb, 1932, 18-Jan, 2013 Row 39 Plot 2
Crutcher, Carey A.11-Mar, 18949-Sep, 1895 Row 21 Plot 36
Crutcher, John Parvin 5-Feb, 1896 2-Mar, 1899 Row 21 Plot 38
Crutcher, Lottie Ray 12-Aug, 1898 28-Aug, 1898Row 21 Plot37
D’Arcy, Jimmy Dee 24-Jun, 1955 4-Oct, 1997 Row 4 Plot 58
Daughtry, Allen Hawkins 26-Dec, 1902 13-Jan, 1908 Row 35 Plot 38
Daughtry, Elizabeth Oct, 1851Sep ,1887 Row 33 Plot 40
Davis, A.G. 25-Jul, 1851 3-Apr, 1895 Row 29 Plot 9
Davis, Addie Black 25-Jul, 1851 3-Apr, 1895 Row 28 Plot 19
Davis, Ann Marble 10-Oct, 188827-Jan, 1977 Row 32 Plot 23
Davis, Annie Laura 14-Apr, 1866 30-Oct, 1949 Row 31 Plot 26
Davis, Ava10-Nov, 1905 2-Jul, 1917 Row 30 Plot 26
Davis, Baby —— 12-Nov, 1919 Row 31 Plot 23
Davis, Bessie J. 30-Jan, 1891 6-Jun, 1914 Row 9 Plot 14
Davis, Billy Jack 6-Oct, 1931 18-Dec, 1931Row 30 Plot 27
Davis, Blanche 29-Jul, 1881 13-Dec, 1922Row 30 Plot 62
Davis, Bobby Dwayne18-Nov, 1937 9-Aug, 1945 Row 32 Plot 37
Davis, C. S. 14-May, 1917 1-July, 1918 Row 26 Plot 16
Davis, Colonel Foster23-Jan, 1867 8-Feb, 1954 Row 30 Plot 29
Davis, Connie E. 31-Dec, 189111-Feb, 1892 Row 29 Plot 9
Davis, Darwin21-Feb, 1913 28-Mar, 1913 Row 32 Plot 20
Davis, David J.23-Jun, 1851 10-Dec, 1929 Row 25 Plot 60
Davis, David Nixon 2-Oct, 1877 13-May, 1960 Row 30 Plot 64
Davis, E. J. 1860 1918 Row 35 Plot 17
Davis, H. C. 3-Feb, 1853 27-Jul, 1899 Row 31 Plot 24
Davis, Hildeman 1892 1967 Row 35 Plot 16
Davis, Infant Son 22-Nov, 1901 25-Nov, 1901Row 28 Plot 20
Davis, Iva May4-Nov, 1904 18-Dec, 1937Row 32 Plot 27
Davis, Iva Pearl 19-Nov, 1893 6-Mar, 1917 Row 32 Plot 21
Davis, Jester Bryon 29-Mar, 189822-May, 1900 Row 30 Plot 25
Davis, Joe 29-Dec, 1903 29-Jan, 1981 Row 32 Plot 28
Davis, M. J. 12-Sep, 1827 29-Nov, 1909 Row 31 Plot 20
Davis, M. L. 25-Jul, 1851 3-Apr, 1895Row 29 Plot 10
Davis, Mattie 1859 1927 Row 35 Plot 18
Davis, Miles Leroy 27-Apr, 1850 16-Mar, 1926 Row 28 Plot 18
Davis, Mintie Odena 19-Nov, 1879 5-Apr, 1881 Row 29 Plot 8
Davis, Myrtie Ivy 18-Mar, 188624-Jun, 1954 Row 6Plot 29
Davis, Nancy J.1858—–Row 25 Plot 61
Davis, Nixon ca Apr, 1826 28-Sep, 1877 Row 31 Plot 21
Davis, Rev. W. Isaac14-Feb, 1853 4-Jun, 1929 Row 31 Plot 25
Davis, Roger Franklin 9-Dec, 18842-Dec, 1974 Row 32 Plot 22
Davis, Ross 19-Jan, 1890 1-Jun, 1964 Row 8 Plot 17
Davis, Shirley 13-Apr, 1893 15-Jul, 1930 Row 30 Plot 61
Davis, Texie Anna 5-Feb, 187213-May, 1936 Row 30 Plot 28
Davis, Virgie23-Nov, 1896 21-Jan, 1978Row 8 Plot 18
Davis, W. Jefferson12-Mar, 1920 18-Nov, 1938 Row 9 Plot 12
Davis, Warren Edward 22-Nov, 1903 5-Sep, 1924 Row 30 Plot 63
Davis, William Isaac 8-Jul, 1908 16-Oct, 1966 Row 5Plot 31
Davis, William P. 12-Aug, 1884 25-Dec, 1959 Row 6 Plot 28
DeShazo, Andrew E. 1844 4-Apr, 1913 Row 11Plot 19
DeShazo, Annie B. 27-May, 1915 9-Mar, 2003 Row 2 Plot 6
DeShazo, Charles Duayne 29-Mar, 1935 30-Mar, 1935 Row 8Plot 36
DeShazo, Evan Bennett 26-Oct, 1887 28-Jun, 1967Row 7Plot 32
DeShazo, Jack 25-Dec, 1945 22-Aug, 2000 Row 2Plot 4
DeShazo, Lester Wright6-Oct, 1886 14-Sep, 1967Row 11 Plot 17
DeShazo, Liebian Walter18-Apr, 1912 11-Jan, 1981 Row 2 Plot 5
DeShazo, Mary Ann Elizabeth 7-Apr, 1848 15-Oct, 1931 Row 11Plot 20
DeShazo, Mary Jane 13-Feb, 185818-Dec, 1943 Row 6.5 Plot 20
DeShazo, Pearl M. 17-Jul, 1890 10-Nov, 1968 Row 7 Plot 33
DeShazo, Walter Whitfield 26-Aug, 1865 11-Nov, 1938 Row 6.5 Plot 19
Divin, GregoryWayne 1-Oct, 1966 5-May, 2010Row 32.5 Plot 9
Dixon, Billy Wayne 26-Nov, 1932 13-Dec, 1999Row 6 Plot 37
Dobbs, Jacqualine LaRue 21-Nov, 1955 14-May, 2004 Row 44 Plot 35
Dodd, John Blois10-Jul, 1929 24-Maar, 2003 Row 3 Plot -1
Donica, Jewel L 29-Sep, 1941 14 May, 2013 Row 24, Plot 60
Douglass, Annie Marie 5-Jul, 1908 2-Sep, 1926Row 32 Plot 41
Douglass, Birdie 6-Sep, 1883 26-Aug, 1904 Row 11.5 Plot 19
Douglass, Fannie1-Sep, 187818-Feb, 1918 Row 32 Plot 42
Doyal, Pollena18-Aug, 1861 5-Jan, 1896 Row 17 Plot 27
Doyal, Teddie13-Dec, 1895 14-Oct, 1905 Row 17 Plot 26
Dozier, Amy 1853 17-Jul, 1920 Row 9 Plot 34
Dozier, Andrew10-Aug, 1891 1919 Row 9Plot 29
Dozier, Daniel Elias 5-Jan, 187225-Jun, 1873 Row 16 Plot 23
Dozier, E. T. 9-Mar, 1852 27-Jun, 1923 Row 9Plot 33
Dozier, James Absolom 15-Feb, 1845 May, 1929 Row 17 Plot 38
Dozier, John 7-Oct, 1886 1-Oct, 1908 Row 9 Plot 32
Dozier, Leroy1914 1915 Row 9 Plot 31
Dozier, Sarah Minerva 22-Nov, 1850 23-Jun, 1931 Row 17 Plot 39
Drake, Fannie May15-Dec, 1919 12-Apr, 1922 Row 10 Plot 31
Draper, E. M. ca , 1857 11-Aug, 1892 Row 19Plot 39
Draper, Infant ——- ——- Row 18 Plot 35
Draper, Lula1-Dec, 1873 12-Aug, 1877 Row 18 Plot 16
Draper, N. Ivery 23-Jul, 1836 26-Jun, 1920 Row 18 Plot 37
Draper, W. J. 17-Feb, 1866 20-Feb, 1942 Row 18 Plot 38
Draper, William6-Aug, 1836 21-Aug, 1892 Row 18 Plot 36
Duck, Earl Luther 13-Oct, 1925 11-May, 2000 Row 45 Plot 37
E. A. H. ——— ———— Row 30 Plot 34
Ellis, Annie 28-Jan, 1900 19-Aug, 1987 Row 13 Plot 2
Ellis, Elton 21-Jul, 1900 19-Feb, 1970 Row 13 Plot 1
Eubanks, D. L. 15-Jan, 1876 ca , 1973 Row 22 Plot 5
Eubanks, Dodson 14-Mar, 188921-Dec, 1890 Row 22Plot 2
Eubanks, Fannie Henrietta 28-May, 1875 7-Jul, 1953 Row 22Plot 4
Evers, Debra Dianne 13-Sep, 1953 30-Jan, 2013 Row 38 Plot 16
Ezell, Dora 1887 1945 Row 32Plot 38
Ezell, Jackson E. 18-Dec, 1864 28-Dec, 1937 Row 6 Plot 27
Ezell, Milton 1917 9-May, 1917 Row 32 Plot 39
Ezell, Mollie 1855 1948 Row 33 Plot 26
Ezell, Olivia 11-Sep, 1907 4-Mar, 1918 Row 32 Plot 40
Ezell, Ulys Marlin 21-Sep, 1884 15-Sep, 1959 Row 32 Plot 36
Felts, Brenda G. 24-Apr, 195018-May, 1991 Row 20 Plot 70
Fenn, Jane S. 14-Nov, 1818 2-Feb, 1875 Row 20 Plot 24
Ferguson, Billie 19081937 Row 27 Plot 43
Ferguson, Dewey2-Jul, 1898 14-Dec, 1898 Row 26 Plot 56
Ferguson, Jasper F. 1878 1967 Row 27 Plot 46
Ferguson, Lola1-Nov, 1906 2-Feb, 1975 Row 3.5 Plot 24
Ferguson, Margie10-May, 1901 23-Apr, 1937 Row 27 Plot 44
Ferguson, Minter O.1878 1947 Row 27 Plot 45
Ferguson, William C. 22-Aug, 1871 11-Sep, 1901 Row 26 Plot 57
Finlayson, Oscar N. 20-Nov, 1872 6-Dec, 1898 Row 19 Plot 52
Finlayston, Lessie 15-Dec, 1897 26-Oct, 1905 Row 13 Plot 56
Floyd, Emma Lee11-Jan, 1877 31-Mar, 1933 Row 25 Plot 55
Floyd, Infants (9)1900 1920Row 24 Plot 52
Floyd, Mary Murphy 25-Dec, 1878 10-Jan, 1938Row 5 Plot 42
Floyd, Pearl18781903 Row 10 Plot 34
Floyd, Pearl Lurlee 14-Sep, 1903 13-Sep, 1925 Row 25 Plot 57
Floyd, Thomas Hughey 4-Dec, 1875 16-Feb, 1950Row 25 Plot 54
Floyd, Verna Lura 13-Jul, 1910 20-Oct, 2003 Row 25 Plot 56
Fodge, Maudie 15-Oct, 1896 21-May, 1898 Row 23 Plot 7
Forsyth, Jerry Lee 19-Dec, 1953 6-Mar, 1998 Row 4 Plot 2
Forsyth, Jewel Jason 3-Sep, 1910 5-Nov, 1985 Row 4 Plot 3
Forsyth, Ruie Lucille 22-Jan, 1931 9-Nov, 2012 Row 4 Plot 4
Foster, M. M. 26-Mar, 1882 26-Sep, 1954 Row 4 Plot 52
Foster, Sara 8-Dec, 188327-Jun, 1969 Row 4 Plot 53
French, Edwin 29-Nov, 1924 29-Nov, 1924 Row 8Plot 44
French, Edwin Roy 22-Jul, 1925 28-Aug, 1935 Row 8.5 Plot 20
French, Jewel Jennings23-Jul, 1893 28-Oct, 1926 Row 8.5 Plot 22
French, Lester Clyde 18-Jan, 1889 16-Jun, 1954 Row 8.5 Plot 21
French, Mack W. 13-Jul, 1865 29-Jul, 1941 Row 8.5 Plot 24
French, Mary Roseta18-Jun, 1864 19-Apr, 1953 Row 8.5 Plot 25
French, Reuei3-Jan, 1893 14-Apr, 1965 Row 6.5Plot 1
French, Verna 31-Mar, 1899 27-Jan, 1976 Row 6.5 Plot 2
Gafford, Robert Earl17-Jan, 1929 6-Feb, 1929 Row 35 Plot 2
Gafford, Zula May 25-Oct, 1914 24-Jul, 1915 Row 35 Plot 1
Gaines, Harold Doyl 2-Jun, 1945 15-Nov, 1985 Row 4 Plot 29
Gandy, Jennie V. 27-Feb, 1917 9-Jul, 1918 Row 28 Plot 23
Gandy, Jennie V. (Davis) 23-Jun, 1879 4-Jun, 1908 Row 28 Plot 22
Garretson, Chester E. 9-Jun, 1914 8-Mar, 1982 Row 1 Plot 26
Garretson, Mary E. 11-Nov, 1920 6-Sep, 2011 Row 1 Plot 27
Gibbens, Charlotte R. 1-Mar, 1874 18-Oct, 1905 Row 21 Plot 59
Gibbens, Gladys 15-Sep, 1899 28-Oct, 1900 Row 21Plot 57
Gibbens, Infant 13-Sep, 1905 13-Sep, 1905 Row 21 Plot 58
Gibbens, Jessie 6-May, 1871 15-Feb, 1930Row 21 Plot 62
Gibbens, Mary M. 1-Jan, 190320-Jul, 1916 Row 21 Plot 60
Gibbons, James E.21-Feb, 1867 19-Apr, 1928Row 21 Plot 61
Giddens, Infant 14-Aug, 1929 14-Aug, 1929 Row 22 Plot 60
Giddens, Lillie Maple 9-Oct, 1896 1-Nov, 1973 Row 13Plot 7
Giddens, Reuben 18-Feb, 1891 27-Jan, 1960 Row 13 Plot 5
Gill, Gerald W.10-Oct, 1929 23-Sep, 2000 Row 6.5 Plot 17
Gill, Melissa Murel29-Oct, 1954 20-Jan, 2009 Row 6.5 Plot 16
Gill, Mindy Jo2-Aug, 1981 29-Sep, 1997 Row 6.5 Plot 16
Gill, Murel Buck 7-Jan, 1925 13-Feb, 1996Row 6.5 Plot 18
Gill, Rosa D.1-Feb, 1903 1-Aug, 1948Row 5 Plot 27
Gipson, Lillie Ollie 9-Aug, 190910-Dec, 1993 Row 6 Plot 16
Glasco, Carol Virgina28-Dec, 1941 21-Jun, 2009 Row 23 Plot 42
Glass, Homer 12-Nov, 1884 22-Nov, 1927 Row 35 Plot 20
Glass, Junie 6-Jun, 1887 2-Jan, 1939 Row 35Plot 21
Glover, Annie Bell 16-May, 1918 24-Mar, 2010 Row 14 Plot 7
Glover, Henry D.——, 1915 —–, 1990 Row 14 Plot 6
Godwin infants —— —— Row 29 Plot 24
Godwin infants —— ——Row 29 Plot 26
Godwin, Jessie E. 30-Apr, 1862 1-Feb, 1939 Row 34 Plot 38
Godwin, Dessie Edna 18891891 Row 13 Plot 28
Godwin, Jacob T. 25-Jul, 1856 7-Jan, 1934 Row 34 Plot 39
Godwin, John Henry18681935 Row 13 Plot 29
Godwin, Lola Bell 2-Jun, 190018-Dec, 1900 Row 34 Plot 45
Godwin, Mary Bell3-May, 186018-Feb, 1890 Row 34 Plot 41
Godwin, Mary C.4-Nov, 1836 31-Mar, 1915 Row 12 Plot19
Godwin, Ola Dell 2-Jun, 1900 19-Nov, 1900Row 34 Plot 46
Godwin, Thomas Roy 3-Feb, 1894 1-Oct, 1895 Row 34 Plot 43
Godwin, William Marvin 29-Jun, 1892—– 1954 Row 33 Plot 39
Grady, Darrell Eugene 15-Jul, 1922 7-Dec, 1930 Row 10 Plot 32
Grady, Lizzie Lee 1-Oct, 1916 15-Jan, 1919 Row 10 Plot 33
Grady, Mabel 17-Jul, 189626-Jun, 2003 Row 1Plot 7
Grady, Wylie Brazos 7-Mar, 1886 3-Mar, 1970 Row 1 Plot 6
Graves, James W. —–1864—– 1899 Row 18 Plot 2
Graves,Rosa12-Apr, 189528-Oct, 1895 Row 19Plot 12
Griffith, Billy Ray6-Feb, 1934 26-Jun, 1966 Row 1 Plot 35
Griffith, James E.29-May, 1940 6-Jul, 2001 Row 44 Plot 24
Griffith, Jessie Wesley 26-Oct, 1903 7-Dec, 1948 Row 2 Plot 37
Griffith, L. R. 17-Aug, 1911 16-Nov, 1956 Row 1 Plot 36
Griffith, Leona 18-May, 1905 3-Apr, 1968 Row 2 Plot 36
Griffith, Myrtie M. 11-Dec, 191318-Dec, 1986 Row 44 Plot 17
Gurley, Cecil Harvey18-Feb, 1914 6-Mar, 2000 Row 44 Plot 1
Gurley, Dave 15-Jul, 1872 17-May, 1935 Row 26 Plot 55
Gurley, David Mosely, Sr. ca , 18401880 Row 24 Plot 14
Gurley, Henry Joe21-Apr, 1868 7-Aug, 1962 Row 3 Plot 39
Gurley, James David 18-Jul, 1936 13-Feb, 1953 Row 3 Plot 41
Gurley, Lucille J. 4-Jul, 1919 26-Jun, 1999Row 44 Plot 2
Gurley, Mother24-Dec, 1820—– 1880 Row 24 Plot 15
Gurley, Ora Catherine 3-Mar, 1889 10-May, 1981 Row 26 Plot 54
Gurley, Pearl Correne 18-Oct, 1895 9-Feb, 1983Row 3 Plot 40
Gurley, Susan—–1841—-1925Row 26 Plot 53
Hackney, Linda Merle 22-Aug, 1946 20-Jun, 1980 Row 17 Plot 60
Hale, A. Virginia 25-Oct, 1860 11-Nov, 1918 Row 13Plot 69
Hale,C. Dayton 17-Apr, 1903 28-May, 1982 Row 37 Plot 34
Hale, Dulcie Carr 6-Apr, 1898 14-Jan, 1966 Row 37 Plot 33
Hale, M. Carrie 29-May, 1896 1-Sep, 1974 Row 13 Plot 70
Hale, McKenley 20-Oct, 1900 24-Aug, 1954 Row 13 Plot 63
Hale, Nicklas 1-Oct, 1860 4-May, 1936 Row 13 Plot 68
Hale, Twins ———- Feb, 1919 Row 13 Plot 64
Hall, Dola May (Condrey) 27-Oct, 18826-May, 1957 Row 14 Plot 3
Hall, Simon Elisha 3-May, 1876 19-Apr, 1957 Row 14 Plot 2
Hamilton, Andrew Soule14-Jul, 1854 6-Sep, 1899 Row 14 Plot 54
Hamilton, Andrew Soule, Jr.10-Jan, 190029-Jan, 1902 Row 14 Plot 55
Hamilton, Margaret Elizabeth Allen11-Jan, 1864 15-Mar, 1933Row 14 Plot 53
Hampton, Robert Jones 16-May, 1923 5-Aug, 1985 Row 2.5 Plot 1
Hargis, William —– 1969 —–1969 Row 1 Plot 5
Harrington, Mary 24-Oct, 1874 29-Oct, 1933 Row 21 Plot 19
Hayes, Pearl D. ca1894 12-Apr, 1922 Row 9 Plot 26
Hays, Allen Claude 14-May, 1886 Aug, 1907Row 24 Plot 22
Hays, Baby ??-May, 191318-Sep, 1914 Row 24 Plot 25
Hays, Edwin ??-Nov, 1911 27-Apr, 1912 Row 24Plot 25
Hays, John Wilford Oct, 1850 29-Jan, 1896 Row 24 Plot 23
Hays, John Wilford ??-Oct, 1850 29-Jan, 1896 Row 24 Plot 26
Hays, Susan Jane Feb, 1888 Oct, 1898 Row 24 Plot 21
Hester, Jack 7-May, 1830 12-May, 1905 Row 29 Plot 1
Hightower, Baby Girl 15-Oct, 1920 15-Oct, 1920 Row 33 Plot 8
Hightower, Betty 23-Feb, 1858 4-Apr, 1919 Row 33 Plot 3
Hightower, Blanche 4-Feb, 1891 16-Mar, 1891 Row 33 Plot 1
Hightower, E. P. 2-Dec, 1877 10-Sep, 1905 Row 33 Plot 2
Hightower, Grace 10-Oct, 1912 7-Dec, 1925Row 33 Plot 7
Hightower, Raymond V. 19-Apr, 1896 18-Mar, 1929 Row 33 Plot 5
Hightower, W. F. J.23-Feb, 185513-Apr, 1909 Row 33 Plot 4
Hill, May 31-Mar, 1900 20-Oct, 1901Row 14Plot 46
Hill, Virginia Calloway 18-Aug, 189516-Jun, 1984 Row 5 Plot 34
Holbert, Joe Reese 23-Oct, 1891 26-Aug, 1941 Row 8 Plot 30
Holder, A. R. 16-Nov, 1873 27-Aug, 1910 Row 27 Plot 52
Holder, Alice Weatherford—– 1857 19-Nov, 1922 Row 11Plot 53
Holder, Brula S. 25-Oct, 1913 5-Jan, 1997 Row 4 Plot 33
Holder, Catherine M. 3-Dec, 1837 15-Jan, 1887 Row 18 Plot 52
Holder, Cecil D. 10-Oct, 1904 28-Sep, 1936 Row 6 Plot 39
Holder, Charles Rex 9-Feb, 1918 6-Jul, 1937 Row 5 Plot 33
Holder, Chas. T. 3-Aug, 1885 14-Apr, 1940 Row 5 Plot 36
Holder, Claude T. 2-Apr, 1877 6-Dec, 1877 Row 24 Plot 16
Holder, Clyde N.20-Jun, 1885 14-Oct, 1886 Row 24 Plot 20
Holder, David H.26-Oct, 1834 31-May, 1925 Row 11 Plot 52
Holder, Dossie Jane 2-Apr, 1895 4-Dec, 1986 Row 3 Plot 11
Holder, Earnest 8-Mar, 1878 26-Apr, 1936 Row 12 Plot 37
Holder, Edeth M. 8-Sep, 1879 7-Jun, 1901 Row 18 Plot 22
Holder, Emily12-Oct, 1837 28-Mar, 1889 Row 29 Plot 34
Holder, F. E. 19-Jan, 1841 1-Feb, 1914 Row 26 Plot 20
Holder, Infant daughter 10-Oct, 1904 10-Oct, 1904 Row 27 Plot 54
Holder, J. C. —– 1909 —– 1911Row 11.5 Plot 20
Holder, James Wright 22-Aug, 1889 4-Jul, 1891 Row 12 Plot 34
Holder, Jax Thomas 29-Jul, 191326-Mar, 1999 Row 4 Plot 32
Holder,Leila Emma5-Oct, 188927-Mar, 1983 Row 5Plot 35
Holder, Lela 13-Dec, 1886 7-Mar, 1972 Row 12 Plot 38
Holder, Lester A. 18-Feb, 1909 13-Jul, 1910 Row 27 Plot 54
Holder, Lillian Voncell 20-Sep, 1880 29-May, 1916 Row 27 Plot 53
Holder, Lina V. 10-Jan, 1903 22-Sep, 1904 Row 27 Plot 54
Holder, Linson Irvin12-Aug, 1893 19-May, 1970 Row 3 Plot 10
Holder, Mary6-Oct, 1838 25-Jan, 1876 Row 24Plot 19
Holder, Ralph Garnett 15-Jul, 1907 30-Apr, 1957 Row 27 Plot 53
Holder, Robert L.15-Jun, 1867 10-Jun, 1944 Row 5 Plot 39
Holder, T. H. 2-May, 1839 28-Dec, 1907 Row 26 Plot 19
Holley, D. Hose 12-Mar, 1855 24-Mar, 1936 Row 22 Plot 50
Holley, Eva M. ——1890 —–1970 Row 24 Plot 35
Holley, Hazel Amanda 8-Sep, 1914 24-Oct, 1982 Row 24 Plot 37
Holley, John W. —– 1886 —– 1947 Row 24 Plot 36
Holley, Martha 30-Oct, 1854 31-Mar, 1906 Row 22Plot 51
Holley, Martha C. 5-Mar, 1862 4-Oct, 1940 Row 22 Plot 46
Holley, Sallie 27-May, 183123-Mar, 1881 Row 16 Plot 30
Hollingsworth, Anise E. 3-Mar, 1931 1-Jul, 1991 Row 11 Plot 9
Hollingsworth, C. H. 24-Oct, 1932 22-May, 2012 Row 11.5 Plot 8
Holyfield, Cynthia Latitia Caudle —– 1868 —– 1956 Row 8 Plot 24
Holyfield, Perry 25-Sep, 1897 5-Nov, 1992 Row 11 Plot 1
Holyfield, William M. —– 1865 —– 1935 Row 9 Plot 6
Howard, Annie 1-Jun, 1876 9-May, 1969 Row 16 Plot 7
Howard, Dolley S. 26-Jun, 1881 4-May, 1883 Row 16 Plot 9
Howard, Milton Burton 27-Jul, 187114-Dec, 1952 Row 16 Plot 6
Howard, Roy 8-Jul, 1897 12-May, 1904 Row 16 Plot 8
Howell, Lorene Whittie 12-Apr, 1909 14-Jul, 1952 Row 33 Plot 53
Hunnicutt, Andrew —–1834 —–1928Row 23 Plot 26
Hunnicutt, Maggie28-Aug, 1855 8-Jun, 1945 Row 23 Plot 25
Infant ————- ———–Row 36 Plot 38
J. M. H.————– ———– Row 25 Plot 29
Jackson, Harold Larkin21-Jul, 192614-Feb, 1949 Row 2 Plot 31
Jackson, James Gorman 3-Jul, 1919 28-Oct, 1983 Row 1 Plot 32
Jackson, James P.22-Nov, 1873 18-Feb, 1959 Row 1 Plot 30
Jackson, Katie Elmer28-Feb, 188824-May, 1972 Row 1 Plot 31
Jackson, Mary 22-Sep, 1847 28-Jul, 1919 Row 29 Plot 3
Jackson, Mary Belle 28-Jul, 1920 25-Feb, 1997 Row 1Plot 33
Jackson, W. M. 7-Feb, 1840 4-Nov, 1899 Row 29Plot 2
Jackson, William Monroe17-Nov, 1921 15-Sep, 1977 Row 2 Plot 32
Jacobs, Cora 18-Sep, 1873 19-Jun, 1915 Row 35 Plot 35
Jacobs, Dovie Ann16-Apr, 1898 1-Jan, 1902 Row 35Plot 34
Jarvis, James Kelly 6-Aug, 1960 7-May, 2005 Row 37 Plot 41
Jennings, Florine Clanton 3-Mar, 190422-Jan, 1974Row 37 Plot 60
Jeter, Lee Shelton 5-Jul, 1900 17-Dec, 1963 Row 22 Plot 37
Jeter, Lillian Drucilla 3-Jan, 1895 4-May, 1959 Row 22 Plot 36
Johnson, Ann18-Jan, 1884 9-Mar, 1957 Row 16 Plot 16
Johnson, Birdie Golden —–1886 —– 1908 Row 16 Plot 46
Johnson, Carl Hayden5-Nov, 1891 25-Nov, 1960 Row 17 Plot 43
Johnson, Delia L. 22-Nov, 1862 14-Nov, 1940 Row 16 Plot 45
Johnson, Dora 1865 6-Oct, 1881 Row 29 Plot 27
Johnson, Earl Eugene 28-Aug, 1931 18-Oct, 2012 Row 37 Plot 61
Johnson, Ganaway S. Feb, 1846 —–1933 Row 6.5 Plot32
Johnson, J. W.22-Jun, 1876 3-Oct, 1941 Row 5 Plot 37
Johnson, James B. 24-Dec, 191030-Jul, 1913Row 6.5 Plot 30
Johnson, Louie Guy 5-Sep, 1889 22-Jun, 1891 Row 17 Plot 46
Johnson, Lucinda H.—– 1854 ——-1923 Row 6.5 Plot 31
Johnson, Minnie May 21-Sep, 1903 28-Jul, 1992 Row 17 Plot 44
Johnson, Napoleon S. 13-Oct, 1880 14-May, 1949 Row 3.5 Plot 27
Johnson, Roxie 16-Oct, 1878 16-Apr, 1974 Row 5 Plot 38
Johnson, Sarah A. 24-Mar, 1853 27-Dec, 1891 Row 23 Plot 6
Johnson, T. Buckner 10-Aug, 1854 30-Jun, 1929 Row 17Plot 47
Johnson, W. O.9-Jul, 1885 8-Dec, 1950 Row 3.5 Plot 26
Jones, Alta Lovelace 1-Aug, 1903 10-May, 1992 Row 10 Plot 5
Jones, Avis Wayne, Sr.12-Oct, 1923 25-Nov, 1997 Row 38 Plot 17
Jones, Charlie3-Jan, 1901 11-Apr, 1993 Row 10 Plot 4
Jones, Cullis E. 10-Oct, 1911 30-Oct, 2002 Row 1 Plot 55
Jones, Edith Irene14-Oct, 1895 19-Dec, 1983 Row 3 Plot 45
Jones, Emma Dell12-Sep, 1912 7-Dec, 1940 Row 6 Plot 57
Jones, Essie L. 10-Jun, 1912 28-Aug, 1994 Row 1 Plot 56
Jones, Freddie Ray13-May, 1914 24-Mar, 2000 Row 15Plot 12
Jones, Hallie13-Aug, 1908 22-Apr, 1930 Row 7 Plot 46
Jones, James L. 29-Jan, 19219-Feb, 1945 Row 3 Plot 46
Jones, James Thomas 16-Aug, 1873 15-Feb, 1950 Row 3 Plot 44
Jones, Laura Blix20-Sep, 1916 7-May, 1991 Row 15 Plot 13
Jones, Lucy Elizabeth 25-Nov, 1891 3-Jul, 1922Row 32 Plot 24
Jones, Lucy Jean Crane 20-Mar, 1910 18-Feb, 1993Row 6 Plot 51
Jones, Madge 7-Apr, 1901 7-Jun, 1994 Row 21 Plot 64
Jones, Mary Jane8-Jan, 1858 19-Oct, 1935Row 6.5 Plot 46
Jones, Myra6-Aug, 1922 5-Dec, 2005 Row 10 Plot 3
Jones, Nancy Harriett 1-Aug, 195110-Oct, 1970 Row 15 Plot 14
Jones, Patsy8-Feb, 1933 12-Nov, 1961 Row 3 Plot 52
Jones, Robbie Faye30-Nov, 192430-Nov, 1924Row 8 Plot 45
Jones, Victoria1-Sep, 1874 9-Feb, 1917 Row 8 Plot 46
Jones, Virgil Tate26-Mar, 185127-Oct, 1923Row 6.5 Plot 45
Jordan, D. N.16-Aug, 1842 5-Dec, 1922Row 6.5 Plot 43
Jordan, Fannie Ivey Lee 19-Nov, 1897 4-Aug, 1899 Row 19 Plot 51
Jordan, Hallie Bird12-Jul, 1908 1-Oct, 1978 Row 5 Plot 7
Jordan, J. D. 26-Jun, 1904 7-Dec, 1964 Row 5 Plot 6
Jordan, Jean W. 2-Jan, 1926 3-Aug, 2002 Row 5 Plot 5
Jordan, Joe Jack 15-Jul, 1927 22-Oct, 1986 Row 5 Plot 4
Jordan, M. E. 18-Apr, 1848 8-Mar, 1915Row 6.5 Plot 44
Jordan, Nancy 1-Jul, 1836 19-Oct, 1899 Row 25 Plot 36
Kennedy, Arthur W. —– 1894 —– 1969 Row 14 Plot 63
Kennedy, Delia 26-May, 1893 1-Feb, 1978 Row 3 Plot 19
Kennedy, Elizabeth Esther —– 1866 —– 1955 Row 12 Plot 48
Kennedy, Evelyn —– 1923 —– 1927Row 13 Plot 58
Kennedy, Grace 3-Jan, 19129-Aug, 1998 Row 3 Plot 21
Kennedy, Lettie Frances 21-Nov, 189812-Dec, 1930 Row 22Plot 3
Kennedy, Luther M.11-Sep, 188819-May, 1962 Row 3Plot 20
Kennedy, Morris Shelby, Jr. 5-Feb, 1903 26-Oct, 1981 Row 3 Plot 22
Kennedy, Moses S.4-Jan, 1860 16-Nov, 1929 Row 12 Plot 47
Kennedy, Walter M. 1-Dec, 1890 8-Apr, 1967 Row 12Plot 50
Kennedy, Willie V. —– 1903 29-Nov, 2000 Row 14 Plot 64
Kennemore, Dora G. 8-Feb, 1902 26-Jun, 1983 Row 21Plot 65
Kimble, Fannie (Henrietta Regina Hightowe28-Mar, 1852 3-Mar, 1930 Row 26 Plot 28
Kimbrough, George W.23-Nov, 1858 11-Nov, 1912 Row 11.5 Plot 32
Kimbrough, Nannie King 25-Feb, 1870 6-Jul, 1962Row 11.5 Plot 33
King, Charlie M.25-Jun, 1874 11-Apr, 1948 Row 11.5 Plot 31
King, Fred 2-Dec, 190315-Jul, 1993 Row 7 Plot 49
King, Freddie Jean 18-Jul, 1933 18-Jul, 1933 Row 8Plot 50
King, Furman E.22-Mar, 1901 2-Dec, 1978 Row 4 Plot 49
King, Jewel 27-Jun, 1905 16-Oct, 1988 Row 7 Plot 50
King, Juanita 14-Apr, 1904 17-Jun, 1999 Row 4 Plot 50
King. Lee 12-Aug, 1888 10-Jul, 1904 Row 18 Plot 24
King. Shirley Sue 22-Sep, 1939 6-Mar, 1941 Row 8 Plot 51
Kirbo, Amanda Elenor 28-Sep, 1847 11-Oct, 1928 Row 20 Plot 50
Kirbo, Andrew Copeland24-Jun, 1838 31-May, 1911 Row 20 Plot 49
Kirbo, Annie 3-May, 1915 3-May, 1915 Row 18 Plot 4
Kirbo, Beulah Mae11-Apr, 1887 2-Apr, 1970 Row 4 Plot 13
Kirbo, Hamilton, Jr. —–1933 —–1999 Row 2 Plot 22
Kirbo, Homer L. 7-Feb, 1877 10-May, 1954 Row 19 Plot 64
Kirbo, Ivy—– 1886 —– 1908 Row 33 Plot 48
Kirbo, James 19-Jan, 1925 24-Jun, 1939 Row 18 Plot 1
Kirbo, Jessie 22-Dec, 1910 31-Mar, 1912 Row 18 Plot 3
Kirbo, Joe Dee 10-Feb, 1918 5-Jul, 1996 Row 34 Plot 60
Kirbo, Joseph N.10-Oct, 1873 —— 1952 Row 33 Plot 50
Kirbo, Mary Moore21-Apr, 1908 17-Aug, 2001 Row 2 Plot 21
Kirbo, Mattie Mae 17-May, 1898 14-May, 1939 Row 19 Plot 63
Kirbo, McGruter 19-Oct, 1871 10-Sep, 1963 Row 19 Plot 65
Kirbo, Patrick Lee 12-Jul, 1939 30-Dec, 2006 Row 2 Plot 23
Kirbo, W. P.8-Oct, 1917 8-Aug, 1975 Row 4 Plot 14
Kirbo, Warren K. 13-Apr, 1880 24-Mar, 1963 Row 4Plot 12
Kirbo, Zack Blair 26-Sep, 1932 22-Jun, 2010 Row 2 Plot 24
Kirkindall, Grace B. —–1905 —– 1967 Row 10 Plot 15
Kirkindoll, James O. —–1907 —– 1975 Row 10 Plot 14
Koonce, Cecil 27-Jul, 1912 12-Mar, 1913 Row 19 Plot 66
LaForce, Dorvin Roy 12-Mar, 1962 26-Oct, 1966Row 6 Plot 8
LaForce, Grace 7-Aug, 1911 22-Jun, 1968 Row 6 Plot 7
LaForce, Oscar L. 27-May, 1906 19-Apr, 1998 Row 6 Plot 6
Law, Hulett E.26-Feb, 1892 14-Feb, 1899 Row 20 Plot 56
Law, George W. 16-Dec, 1882 13-May, 1909 Row 20 Plot 57
Law, Sudie F. 13-Aug, 185618-May, 1915Row 20Plot 58
Laws, Gertie 13-Mar, 1902 12-Jan, 1993 Row 4 Plot 26
Laws, Gladys Coffee 6-Oct, 1925 30-Oct, 1957 Row 4 Plot 30
Laws, James Loyd25-Mar, 1936 17-Jan, 1966 Row 4 Plot 27
Laws, Jim 28-Apr, 1897 12-Jun, 1969 Row 4 Plot 25
Laws, Lois Quine 2-Oct, 1927 4-Jun, 1948Row 4 Plot 31
Lee, Callie—– 1872 —– 1921 Row 8 Plot 33
Lee, Florence 28-Feb, 190010-Mar, 1900Row 15 Plot 4
Lee, John Horace 21-Jan, 1897 21-Aug, 1901 Row 15 Plot 6
Lee, Maggie23-Jan, 1877 27-Mar, 1900 Row 15 Plot 70
Lee, Mrs. P. F. 4-Oct, 1836 20-Dec, 1893 Row 17 Plot 3
Lee, Sue Allen 20-Jun, 193710-Jun, 1937 Row 15 Plot 5
Lee, W. P. 2-Feb, 1828 11-Mar, 1900 Row 17 Plot 4
Lee, Will —– 1866 —– 1947 Row 8 Plot 32
Lesley, Larry N. 12-Dec, 1936 12-Mar, 1991 Row 38 Plot 25
Lewis, Cliff 26-Sep, 1871 31-Jul, 1951Row 3 Plot 54
Lewis, Eva 8-Jul, 1884 21-Jun, 1960 Row 3 Plot 53
Lewis, G. C. —–1859 2-Apr, 1891 Row 30 Plot 56
Lewis, Lucy A. 3-Feb, 1824 3-Apr, 1890 Row 30 Plot 50
Lindley, baby 17-Mar, 1930 17-Mar, 1930 Row 13 Plot 65
Lindsay, Lydia A.—– 1834 —– 1915 Row 12 Plot 14
Lindsey, Edna Earl 19-Mar, 1882 5-May, 1919 Row 13 Plot 50
Lindsey, Forrest David 2-Jan, 1922 17-Jun, 1989 Row 45 Plot 1
Lindsey, John Monroe 24-Feb, 1879 21-Jun, 1919 Row 13 Plot 49
Lindsey, Ruth E. 11-Jul, 1927 17-Dec, 1993 Row 45 Plot 2
Lominack, Henry M. 11-Oct, 1848 20-Sep, 1926 Row 30 Plot 19
Lominack, Lue Cay 10-Oct, 1878 20-Mar, 1880 Row 30 Plot 21
Lominack, Sarah Elizabeth 3-Oct, 1854 14-Mar, 1941Row 30Plot 20
Long, Bettie Marie 25-sep, 1929 15-Aug, 1938 Row 12 Plot 49
Long, Bob 21-Aug, 1894 12-Oct, 1953 Row 12 Plot 5
Long, Bobbie Sue 2-Mar, 1930 11-Apr, 2012 Row 12 Plot 54
Long, David Ray 11-Nov, 1925 17-Jan, 2008 Row 12 Plot 53
Long, James 4-Dec, 1820 17-Apr, 1901 Row 19Plot 23
Long, Laura 2-Jan, 1861 24-Jul, 1917 Row 14 Plot 19
Long, Mary A. 25-Nov, 1827 12-May, 1891 Row 19 Plot 24
Long, Nellie 7-Sep, 1858 25-May, 1890 Row 30 Plot 45
Long, Nellie 7-Sep, 1858 25-May, 1890 Row 31 Plot 49
Long, Paralee Laura 16-Jul, 1897 12-Jan, 1991Row 12 Plot 6
Long, Parke 3-sep, 1900 17-Jul, 1906 Row 14Plot 21
Long, Perry W. 5-Jan, 1904 19-Jul, 1921 Row 15 Plot 22
Long, Robert B. 20-Jan, 1925 12-May, 1972 Row 11 Plot 15
Long, Sarah M. 6-Jun, 1845 1-Oct, 1889 Row 19 Plot 25
Long, Silas M.21-Jul, 1855 2-Feb, 1923 Row 14 Plot 18
Long, T. J. 1-Jan, 1860 26-Nov, 1871 Row 19 Plot 26
Long, William W. 7-Sep, 1850 28-Jan, 1913 Row 31Plot 48
Long, Winnie May Delle 3-Sep, 1898 6-Sep, 1899Row 14 Plot 20
Loveall, Russel L. 14-Feb, 1924 29-Dec, 2002 Row 45 Plot 20
Lovelace, (Rebecca) Henny (Quinton) —– 1849 —– 1926 Row 10 Plot 38
Lovelace, Carrie Ann 12-Sep, 1880 30-Jul, 1964 Row 7 Plot 58
Lovelace, Eli 31-May, 1907 23-Sep, 1947 Row 5 Plot 45
Lovelace, Floe Ann 31-Aug, 1913 14-Aug, 1914 Row 7 Plot 59
Lovelace, Hose Hollie 11-Nov, 1916 7-Dec, 1994 Row 7 Plot 60
Lovelace, Jordan Dee —–184224-Jun, 1917 Row 10 Plot 37
Lovelace, Mattie —– 1908 —– 1982 Row 5 Plot 44
Lovelace, Watson D. 9-Jun, 1876 24-Feb, 1936 Row 7 Plot 57
Lovelace, Alvis O.5-Mar, 1916 17-Aug, 2006 Row 2 Plot 10
Lovelace, Flem17-Jan, 1890 25-dec, 1940Row 4 Plot 59
Loveless, Virgie Lillie21-Apr, 1896 14-Jun, 1981 Row 4 Plot 60
Luallen, Bernice P. 19-Apr, 1929 19-Apr, 1929 Row 16 Plot 60
Luallen, C. C.23-May, 1865 23-Jan, 1928 Row 16 Plot 58
Luallen, Louise Dawson ——1908 —–2000 Row 15 Plot 61
Luallen, Maggie E. 14-Jul, 1877 25-Jul, 1940 Row 16 Plot 59
Luallen, Robert M.18-Sep, 1905 5-Sep, 1934 Row 15 Plot 60
Luallen, Roy Charles 17-Feb, 1929 13-Sep, 1987 Row 15 Plot 62
Luallen, Sam Cranston 13-Sep, 1903 27-May, 1978 Row 16 Plot 61
Luallen, Willie Opal29-Aug, 1910 7-Jun, 1985 Row 16 Plot 62
Providence Cemetery Association of Franklin County, Texas, Inc.
Mount Vernon, TX 75457
fax: 903-588-2561
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