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Providence Cemetery Association of Franklin County, Texas, Inc.

William J. and Sarah Daffern Caudle

William James Caudle and three of his adult sons and their families moved from Henry County, Tennessee to the Republic of Texas in late 1841. They settled in the vicinity of present day Mount Vernon. James and two sons (Bennett and Mark (born 1805) applied for and received conditional land grants from the Republic of Texas on the same day in November, 1841. (William J. Caudle’s land grant certificate was no. 227, and Mark Caudle’s no. was 228.)
The conditional land grant was 640 acres for a married man and 320 acres for a single man. William was married so he was awarded 640 acres. The law required that the person receiving the conditional land grant had to reside in the Republic of Texas for three years, be a law abiding citizen, and improve the land. If he successfully complied with these regulations, he received an unconditional grant and sole title to the land.
Evidentally, William James received his unconditional grant to the land in late 1844 or early 1845. After that he would have been able to sell or transfer the ownership of his land to another party.
This explains why land was “marked off” by a committee consisting of Mark Caudle (deacon for Providence Church), J. Harman (deacon for Providence Church), and J. Johnson in 1845 for church and burying purposes.
Next generation William J. Caudle (born 1837) was first a deacon and later an elder of Providence Church. He died January 6, 1888 at the age of 51 years 11 months and 12 days.
NOTE: This next generation William J. Caudle born in 1837 and Sarah Daffern Caudle signed the land deed to Providence Church for church and burying purposes in 1871.
Providence Cemetery Association of Franklin County, Texas, Inc.
Mount Vernon, TX 75457
fax: 903-588-2561
[email protected]