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Providence Cemetery Association of Franklin County, Texas, Inc.

Row numbers made by Don Campbell, board member, have been put in place along the wrought iron fence bottom rail on the south and on the top of the chain link fence on the north.
This improves the ability to find a specific grave. Rows are numbered from east to west.
Short rows are designated by adding “.5” to the row number. For example, there is a Row 2.5 between row 2 and row 3. Short rows are not marked at this time. They may occur anywhere along the regular rows and appear to belong in other rows. (The grave listings include short rows.)
suicide mods nightmare 25 28mm bf rdaIn the past, short rows probably began when a tree was in the way. I have heard there were many trees in the cemetery in the beginning.
Our thanks go to Sue Seay’s son, John David Seay, and her son-in-law, Wade Powell, who put the row makers in place.
December 28, 2011
The Caudle Clan (descendents of William J. and Sarah Caudle) has deeded their residual interest of 2.506 acres to Providence Cemetery. The land is on the south side of County Road S E 3070 where Providence Church sets.
Under the terms of the deed, in the event such church should cease to exist, the land was to revert to the Caudle heirs, they now grant such right of reversion to The Providence Cemetery Association of Franklin County, Texas.
January 17, 2013
Pedestrian gates have been installed at the east and west big gates so that entry into the cemetery is easier. No key is needed to enter these gates.
The east pedestrian gate is located to the right of the east big gate.
The west pedestrian gate is located to the right on the east ornamental fence. Look close. The gates match the fence so well that the gate is somewhat hard to see.
The west big gate is locked and the east big gate will soon be locked, too. Anyone wishing to enter the grounds through the big gates will need to contact a board member.

July 11, 2013
A new black coated chain link fence across the north side of the cemetery was installed last week. It really improves the overall appearance of the grounds. Check for yourself whenever you are at the cemetery.
Providence Cemetery Association of Franklin County, Texas, Inc.
Mount Vernon, TX 75457
fax: 903-588-2561
[email protected]